Orienta, Forma, Inserta Project
Training and job placement
Attention to women in violence situation
Defense of women's rights
Discrimination complaints
Asociación Respeta
At Respeta, we understand our social activism within the framework of the individual and collective commitment to the defense of Human Rights. Our ultimate goal is the common good for all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, ideology, religion, occupation or social class.
Respeta's Office against LGBTIphobia, Polarization and Hate Crimes Free counseling for victims of LGBTIphobia, Racism, Xenophobia, Political Ideology, Hate Crimes.
Email: madrid@redlgtbi.org - coordinacion@respeta.org
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Convive. Fundación CEPAIM
The goal of the CEPAIM Foundation is to promote an inclusive, cohesive, egalitarian and intercultural society that facilitates full access to citizenship rights for the most vulnerable people, especially migrants.
Email: madrid@cepaim.org
INICIATIVA REDES: Initiative for accompaniment, orientation and establishment of safe reporting mechanisms for victims of hate crimes and ethnic and racial discrimination. Racism mailbox click here
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Kifkif. Diversidad y Derechos Humanos
This entity works to promote the rights and inclusion of LGTBI migrants and refugees in Spain.
This guide is for people who are LGTBI refugees, applicants for protection and people with international protection needs in Spain.
Have you experienced discrimination or an attack based on your race, LGTBIfobic orientation or foreign origin?
Click here to report.
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Movimiento por la Paz - MPDL
We are an independent, secular and progressive NGO that has been working since 1983 for the full implementation of Human Rights, democratic governance, equality and solidarity among people and peoples. Because peace is much more than the absence of war.
Email: mpdl@mpdl.org
The Racial or Ethnic Discrimination Victims Assistance Service is a state-run and free resource for assisting potential victims of racial or ethnic discrimination, providing independent support and advice to discriminated people in any area: employment, education, housing, access to goods and services, etc.
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Red ACOGE - Federación de organizaciones especializadas en la inclusión social de las personas migrantes y asiladas en España
Red Acoge is a federation of organizations specialized in the social inclusion of migrant and asylum seekers in Spain. Migrant reception, defense of human dignity, commitment to equality and defense of a citizenship model.
We are not vulnerable. Our rights are violated. Defense of the rights of women.
Materials and resources against discrimination at: https://www.nodiscriminacion.org/
Download the ALERTA app
Email: acoge@redacoge.org
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SOS Racismo Madrid
This is the website of SOS Racismo Madrid, an organization whose goal is to fight against all forms of discrimination and segregation based on skin color, cultural or religious origin.
SOS Racismo Madrid has launched a platform to report and raise awareness of everyday micro-racism in order to generate the necessary debate about this type of discrimination and to denounce cases of social discrimination. Click here for more information.
Email: info@sosracismomadrid.com
If you want to report/raise awareness of discrimination and/or racist violence, you can contact us here.
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Formative and cultural activities
Help and advice
Humanitarian aid, asylum, refuge and reception
MICADO Project
Primary social care
Psychosocial care and psychological counseling
Sexual diversity attention
Social assistance